ACSS 2013 – The Fourth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2014: Osaka, Japan

ACSS 2013 – The Fourth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2014: Osaka, Japan

11 September, 2012

6th to 9th June 2013

The Fourth Asian on the Social Sciences is an international and interdisciplinary organized by the International Academic Forum and its global university affiliates, including Auburn University College of Arts and Sciences (), Birkbeck, University of London (UK), Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong (HKSAR), University of Lincoln (UK), The National Institute of Education (), The National University of Tainan (Taiwan), Waseda University (), and Zagreb University ()

Call for Papers Opens Soon: Abstract Submissions Deadline February 1 2013  – Go to

Theme: “Society, Environment and Trust: Towards Sustainable Systems of Governance”

Dear Colleagues,

The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, now in its fourth year, has hosted a combined total of more than 1,000 academics and thought leaders from around the globe in a celebration of interdisciplinary study in the social sciences. In 2013 we hope to build on the conversations and partnerships we have nurtured over the past three years, and to forge new relationships as we again encourage academics and scholars to meet and exchange ideas and views in an international academic forum.

This year’s conference will again include a variety of presenters representing a wide range of social science disciplines, expressing divergent views, searching for common ground, and creating the synergies that can inspire multi-disciplinary collaborations. In developing these relationships among ourselves, the role of the social sciences is strengthened as we take our place at the table, along with scholars in the STEM disciplines (i.e. science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), in seeking solutions to the complex issues and problems of the 21st century. I sincerely hope that we will use this time together, not just for intellectual discovery and discourse, but to establish a common vision and to motivate each other to do our part in the creation of a better world.

We look forward to seeing you in Osaka!

Professor Stuart D. B. Picken, Chairman, IAFOR International Advisory Board
ACSS/ACSEE 2013 Conference Chair

Dr Andrea Molle, Chapman University, USA
Editor of the IAFOR Journal of the Social Sciences and 2013 Conference Programme Adviser

Dr Alex Petrisor, Urban-INERC (Romania),
Editor of the IAFOR Journal of Sustainability, Energy and the Environment and 2013 Conference Programme Adviser

Publishing Opportunities
Authors of Accepted Abstracts will have the opportunity of publishing their associated paper in the official conference proceedings, and a selection of papers will be considered for inclusion in the internationally reviewed IAFOR journals associated with the conference. For more information about the IAFOR Journal of the Social Sciences, and the the IAFOR Journal of Sustainability, Energy and the Environment, please see the conference website.


Special Theme: “Society, Environment and Trust: Towards Sustainable Systems of Governance”

The conference theme is “Sustaining the Future” and the organizers encourage submissions that approach this question from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of disciplines and fields related to the Social Sciences, including the following streams:

Cultural Studies and Humanities
and Management
Education and Social Welfare
Ethnicity, Difference, Identity
Globalisation and Internationalization
Immigration, Refugees, Race, Nation
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Gender
International Relations
Media and Communications
Natural, Environmental and Health Sciences
Politics, Philosophy, Ethics, Consciousness
Politics, Public Policy and Law Psychology
Cognitive Science and the Behavioural Sciences
Research Methodologies Quantitative and Qualitative
Social History
Teaching and Learning
Technology and Applied Sciences

Web address:
Sponsored by: The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) and its global university affiliates

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