Course: Hinxton.UK.ComputationalMolEvol.2013

29 April-10 May 2013

Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge

Deadline for applications: 16 November 2012

Course summary

This joint Wellcome Trust-EMBL-EBI advanced course aims to provide researchers with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to carry out molecular evolutionary analysis on their own data, as well as on data drawn from sequence databases. The course will combine basic assumptions and ideas fundamental to the field with discussion of cutting-edge methodologies, and is therefore relevant to researchers with a range of different experience levels.


  • Interpretation of molecular phylogenetic trees
  • Dataset assembly and sequence alignment
  • Phylogenetic models and phylogeny reconstruction methods
  • Parallel computing in phylogenetics
  • Hypothesis testing in phylogenetics
  • Estimating divergence times
  • Coalescent model and inference from population data

Course organisers

  • Nick Goldman (European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK)
  • Ziheng Yang (University College London, UK)
  • Aidan Budd (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany)
  • Alexandros Stamatakis (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Germany)

Guest lecturers

Maria Anisimova (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Aglaia (Cilia) Antoniou (Institute for and Genetics, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece)
Martin Embley (University of Newcastle, UK)
Adrian Friday (University of Cambridge, UK)
Olivier Gascuel (LIRMM-CNRS, Montpellier, France)
Tracy Heath (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
John Huelsenbeck (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Fernando Izquierdo-Carrasco (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Germany)
Carolin Kosiol (University of , Vienna, Austria)
Adam Leache (Department of Biology & Burke Museum, University of , USA)
Brian Moore (UC Davis, USA)
Sarah Parks (European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK)
Pavlos Pavlidis (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Germany)
Bruce Rannala (Genome Center and Department of and Ecology, University of California, USA)
Ben Redelings (National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, , USA)
Antonis Rokas (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Stephen Smith (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
Jeff Thorne (Genetics and Department, North Carolina State University, USA)

Feedback from previous courses

“The course was superb!”

“Overall, the teachers and lecturers were excellent, and the material that we covered was very well organized and relevant. I am very grateful that I could attend this course.”

“I’m so excited to try and apply everything that I’ve learned. Data analysis was something that I dreaded and now I’m looking forward to it. I already want to learn more and take further courses in biology. Thanks so much for a fabulous 10 days!”

How to apply

Applicants should be, at minimum, postgraduates engaged in relevant research. More experienced/advanced researchers are also encouraged to apply.

This is a residential course, without exception, and although the course is subsidised by the Wellcome Trust there is a charge of £1540 towards board and lodging for non-commercial applicants.The fee for commercial applicants is £3025.

Limited bursaries are available for non-commercial applicants (50 per cent of fee) and are subject to open competition. If you would like to apply for a bursary, please complete the bursary section of the online application form (see below for application process).

Application forms for this course can now be completed online. Please click here to be redirected to the application portal. If you have any problems with the online application process, please email us.

Please note: Applications must be supported by a recommendation from a scientific sponsor. This can be your supervisor or head of department. A request for a supporting statement will be sent to your nominated sponsor automatically during the application process. Applicants must ensure that their sponsor provides this supporting statement by the application deadline.

Deadline for applications: 16 November 2012

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