Conference: Roscoff.GeneticSystems.May22-26

Conference: Roscoff.GeneticSystems.May22-26

13 November, 2012

Dear Colleagues

We would like to draw your attention to an upcoming Jacques Monod :
May 22-26, 2013 in Roscoff (Brittany), .

Jacques Monod Conferences, organized by CNRS, are known for the high

scientific quality of the talks and discussions, in a relaxed

atmosphere.The topics covered by the conference include: the advantage

of sex and recombination, the biology of sexual and asexual

reproduction, the evolution of inbreeding vs. outcrossing, and the

evolution of sex chromosomes and sexual differentiation.
The list of invited speakers is given below. Information about the

conference and how to register is available at
Symposium Speakers:
AGRAWAL Aneil (Toronto, Canada)

BACHTROG Doris (Berkeley, USA)

BARRETT Spencer (Toronto, Canada)

BARTON Nick (Vienna, )

CASTAGNONE-SERENO Philippe (Sophia-Antipolis, France)

CHARLESWORTH Brian (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)

CHARLESWORTH Deborah (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)

DAVID Patrice (Montpellier, France)

DE VISSER Arjan (Wageningen, The Netherlands)

DELPH Lynda (Bloomington, USA)

DUFAY Mathilde (Lille, France)

GIRAUD Tatiana (Orsay, France)

GLMIN Sylvain (Montpellier, France)

HAAG Christoph (Montpellier, France)

JOHNSON Marc (Toronto, Canada)

LENORMAND Thomas (Montpellier, France)

LIVELY Curt (Bloomington, USA)

LOGSDON John ( City, USA)

MANK Judith (Oxford, United Kingdom)

MARAIS Gabriel (Lyon, France)

OTTO Sarah (Vancouver, Canada)

PANNELL John (Lausanne, Switzerland)

PERRIN Nicolas (Lausanne, Switzerland)

PORCHER Emmanuelle (Paris, France)

ROZE Denis (Roscoff, France)

SCHN Isa (Brussels, )

SCHWANDER Tanja (Groningen, The Netherlands)

SHARBEL Tim (Gatersleben, )

SIMON Jean-Christophe (Le Rheu, France)

STADLER Tanja (Zurich, Switzerland)

VEKEMANS Xavier (Lille, France)

We hope to see you there

Denis Roze & Tanja Schwander

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