Course: Foggia_Italy.PlantEvolutionaryGenetics.Apr15-19

Course: Foggia_Italy.PlantEvolutionaryGenetics.Apr15-19

13 November, 2012

Dear Colleagues,
this is the first announcement for the Course on
15-19th April, 2013. Foggia,
This course will provide a first section that offers a general overview

of metabolomics and its applications to , and a second part

that will consider the various applications to plant breeding and plant

. The course is targeted for young scientists who are interested

in plant breeding.
The course will cover the following topics:
Metabolomics in Plants Sciences – Plant Breeding – Plant Evolutionary

Emidio Albertini (University of Perugia, ITA)
Romina Beleggia (Cereal Research Centre, Research Council, ITA)
Nicola Cimino (Agilent Technologies)
Alisdair R. Fernie (Max-Planck Institute of , DE)
Daniel J. Kliebenstein (University of California, Davis, )
Zoran Nikoloski (University of Potsdam and Max-Planck Institute of

Molecular Plant Physiology, DE)
Roberto Papa (Cereal Research Centre, Agricultural Research Council, ITA)
Peter Shewry (Rothamsted Research, UK)
The deadline for submission of applications is 28th December, 2012
More information at:

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