Conference: U Liverpool: International Conference on

Conference: U Liverpool: International Conference on

13 November, 2012

The 10th on Hunter and Gatherer Societies (CHaGS) will be

held at the University of Liverpool () on 23-25 June 2013. All

information about organization and sessions can be found at:
I am organizing a Population session entitled: The

of Hunter and Gatherer Populations: Diversity, Origins, Demography,

and .
We have extended the deadline for abstract submission for this session

and this conference until Monday 26th November 2012 at midnight.
Abstracts should be submitted directly to me at

Abstracts should include:

Title, Author names and affiliations, max 350 words abstract and 5 keywords.
Although mainly aimed at ethnographers and cultural anthropologists,

this conference also provides a unique interdisciplinary framework for

biological anthropologists and population geneticists with, in

particular, two sessions of specific interest for our community :

-Human Biological Adaptation and Evolution: Mechanics and energetics

of hunting, gathering and processing food; Organizer: Nathaniel J

Dominy (Dartmouth College, ),

– my Human session.
I hope some of you will find this conference of interest and join us

next year in UK.
All the Best,
Paul Verdu

Paul Verdu PhD.

CNRS, Charg de Recherche/CNRS Researcher


UMR 7206 Eco-Anthropologie et Ethnobiologie

47 rue Cuvier 75005 Paris CP 129

Tel. +33 1 40 79 81 54

Fax. +33 1 40 79 32 31

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