Course: Oeiras_Portugal.BioinformaticsPopBiol

Oeiras, Portugal
Course Announcement

with David P. Judge, Phil Cunningham and Pedro Fernandes
IMPORTANT DATES for this Course

Deadline for applications: November 30th 2012

Latest notification of acceptance: December 3rd 2012

Course date: December 10th – 14th 2012
Candidates with adequate profile will be accepted in the next 72 hours

after the application until we reach 20 participants.
The course sets out to introduce an extensive range of computing

facilities vital for molecular biological research. This will be

achieved primarily through “hands on” exercises based around an

investigation of a well documented human disease. How information can

be obtained both by analysis of raw sequence data and by interrogation

of information resources will be demonstrated. In order to enable the

participants to perform sequence analysis on short read sequences, we

will provide a short tutorial on NGS data analysis for beginners.
The course is a user course. How to use the various tools is thus the

prime objective. However, where it is useful, the operation of the

programs will be discussed as far as is required. Participants will

know how to set up the programs in an informed fashion, and to fully

understand the output generated. On completion of this 5 day long

training, they will also know how to implement this methodology

elsehwere, using public domain software and data resources.
The course will provide participants with an awareness of a wide range

of bioinformatics tools and sufficient experience to use those tools

in basic investigations.

Target Audience
This course is intended for those wishing to investigate how they

might begin to exploit the ever expanding abundance of computing

resources for molecular biologists.

Course Pre-requisites
Basic understanding of and no particular computing

expertise will be assumed.
Thank you for your interest! (deadline for applications Nov 30th)
Pedro Fernandes

GTPB Coordinator

Pedro Fernandes

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência

Apartado 14

2781-901 OEIRAS

Tel +351 21 4407912
Oeiras, P9rtugal

Biostatistical Foundations in Bioinformatics

Deadline for applications: November 17th 2012
Latest Notification of Acceptance: November 18th 2012

Course date: December 3rd – December 7th 2012
With Lisete Sousa and Carina Silva-Fortes
We are proud to annouce the third edition of our Foundations course in

Led by the firm hand of two Statisticians that have their research

work centered in the Life Sciences, participants go through a

comprehensive set of short lectures and guided hands-on exercises. The

course revisits concepts bottom-up from probability to classification,

using an exclusive set of bioinformatics examples. It is a five day

opportunity to put back in shape, to acquire confidence in

methods and to learn how to write small scripts using open source

software (R).
*Course description:*
This is one of our “Foundations” type courses, providing a systematic

and detailed review of fundamental concepts and techniques used in

Bioinformatics. Many analytical and inferential methods, regardless of

their novelty, have their niches of application all over the place in

Bioinformatics. Newer techniques such as the ones employed in high

throughput data analysis are not different in this respect. We will be

looking at statistical methods, digging into their inner workings,

wearing the skins of professional statisticians. Attendees can expect

to attend a thorough set of lectures that will reveal the conceptual

frameworks that are needed to understand the methods, and extensive

hands-on practice, exclusively based on biological examples.
*Target Audience*

Everybody using Bioinformatics methods is implicitly using statistical

methods. Most people have had one or more semester courses in

Statistics in their graduate education. For many, Statistics happened

in their lives a long a time ago, and that makes it difficult to go

back and manipulate the concepts with full confidence. Moreover,

proper judgement of the results often calls for a deeper level of

understanding than what is required to solve scholarly exercises.
Attending this course is a chance of revisiting subjects like

experimental design, hypothesis testing, inference and prediction in

an intensive and systematic way. We will look into particular areas

such as Bayesian Inference, Hidden Markov Chains and Multivariate

methods with the attitude, eyes and brains of a that

wants to understand how the methods work.


The course will introduce a relatively high number of concepts and

methods. To keep it highly practical, we will spend most of the time

in hands-on sessions.

– We will focus on each method using examples taken from real world

Bioinformatics practice.

– We will then dissect the method, identifying the concepts and

exploring their interrelationships.

– The applicability and limitations of each method will be emphasized.

– The use of the method will be illustrated using appropriate

Bioinformatics tools and biological data resources.
For more information, application procedures, etc. please visit
Thank you for your interest! (deadlinefor applications Nov 17th)
Pedro Fernandes

GTPB Coordinator

Pedro Fernandes

Instituto Gulbenkian de Cincia

Apartado 14

2781-901 OEIRAS

Tel +351 21 4407912
IGC, Oeiras, Portugal
Course Announcement

Introduction to Population Structure Inference
with Louns Chikhi and Vitor Sousa
IMPORTANT DATES for this Course

Deadline for applications: November 30th 2012

Latest notification of acceptance: December 5th 2012

Course date: December 17th – 19th 2012
Candidates with adequate profile will be accepted in the next 72 hours

after the application until we reach 20 participants.
Genetic data are increasingly used by ecologists and

biologists in general. It has thus become important for many

biologists with different levels of experience to produce and analyse

genetic data. In this short course we shall try to take a practical

approach to the analysis of genetic data, but we will also provide

some of the theoretical background required to understand the outputs

of the software used. This course will be organised so as to mix

sessions where important notions are introduced with practicals where

freely available software will be used. While this will not be the

focus of the course, we will also discuss genealogical

(coalescent-based) simulation methods and those based on

forward-in-time simulations. Altogether this will allow to discuss the

potentialities and limitations of the tools available to the community.
In this three-day course we will introduce the main concepts that

underlie many of the population structured models that are frequently

used in population . We will focus on the importance of

demographic history (e.g. effective sizes and migration patterns) in

shaping genetic data. We will go through the basic notions that are

central to population genetics, insisting particularly on the

statistics used to measure genetic diversity and population

differentiation. The course will also cover a short introduction to

coalescent theory, Bayesian inference in population genetics and data

simulation, as they are connected to what makes landscape genetics

today on the basis of multilocus data.
Most theory will be put into practice in practical sessions, analyzing

real and/or simulated datasets. In these sessions, we will
(i) look at measures of genetic diversity and differentiation using GENETIX;

(ii) use methods to detect population structure as implemented in the


(iii) use geneland to detect genetic clusters using spatial

information on the sampling locations of individuals, and

(iv) learn how to perform coalescent simulations of genetic data

(using SPAms and ms).
Thank you for your interest! (deadline for applications Nov 30th)

Upcoming Training Courses in GTPB:

Pedro Fernandes

Instituto Gulbenkian de Cincia

Apartado 14

2781-901 OEIRAS

Tel +351 21 4407912

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