Conference: Montpellier.MathCompEvolutionaryBiol.May27-31

MCEB : Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology

Pre-registration deadline: January 20
Scope: Mathematical and computational tools and concepts form an essential

basis for modern evolutionary studies. The goal of the MCEB conference (at

its 5th edition) is to bring together scientists with diverse backgrounds

to present recent advances and discuss open problems in the field of

mathematical and computational evolutionary biology. This year a special

focus will be given to the applications to , for example with

regard to human and cancer genomics, genetic diseases and virus epidemics.

General concepts, models, methods and algorithms will also be presented

and discussed, just as during the previous conference editions.
Where and when: Hameau de l’Etoile (

in the Montpellier region, South of , 27-31 May 2013.
Cost: Conference fees including accommodation (4 nights), meals, coffee

breaks, buses, etc., will range from ~350 € to ~500 € depending on

the room type. PhDs and will benefit of the cheapest rooms.
Keynote speakers:

Sebastian Boenhoeffer (ETH Zürich, CH)

Bastien Bousseau (University of California, Berkeley, US)

Alexei Drummond (University of Auckland, NZ)

Ian Holmes (University of California, Berkeley, US)

Steven Kelk (Maastricht University, NL)

Darren Martin (University of Cape Town, ZA)

Erick Matsen (Fred Hutchinson Center, Seattle, US)

Tanja Stadler (ETH Zürich, CH)

Simon Tavaré (University of Cambridge, and University of Southern California, US)

Gil McVean (Wellcome Trust Centre for Human , Oxford, UK)
For more information, see the website at:
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