Conference: Lisbon.ESEB2013.Aug19-24.Symbiosis

Registration is now open for XIV Congress of the European Society for Biology (, to be held in Lisbon from the 19th to 24th August 2013. We would like to invite abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations until the 28 of February 2013,for the symposium entitled:


Description: Biological interactions within communities shape the evolution of individual species. These relationships (obligate/facultative, beneficial/detrimental) force the emergence of innovative traits. The most exciting research on these topics now combines comparative ?omics? approaches with concepts from evolutionary and behavioural ecology. The symposium will highlight recent progress in this interdisciplinary field and will discuss the interplay between communities and : how do species interactions within a community affect evolution?

Invited speakers:

Christoph Vorburger, ETH, Zurich

Jacobus J. Boomsma, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

For submission of abstracts follow the instructions on the website at

Kayla King, Kayla King, PhD. University of Liverpool, Institute of , .

Mario X. Ruiz-Gonzlez, Institute of and Cellular Biology of Plants (C.S.I.C. – U.P.V.), Valencia, .

Jrme Orivel, CNRS, UMR Ecologie des Forts de Guyane.

Justyna Wolinska, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, Germany.
We hope to meet you there!

Mario X. Ruiz-Gonzlez

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