Workshop: Humboldt StateU- Species Modeling Mar17-21

Workshop: Humboldt StateU- Species Modeling Mar17-21

21 December, 2012

Humboldt State University (Arcata, , ) is hosting a special 4.5 day on occupancy modeling this spring (March 17-21). The , Darryl I. MacKenzie, is an internationally renowned biometrician, particularly for his work on the development and application of species occurrence models. This will cover many of the latest methods for modeling patterns and dynamics of species occurrence in a landscape while accounting for the imperfect detection of the species. Participants will be introduced to available software through worked examples, and there will be special emphasis on aspects of study design. While primarily aimed at the beginner and intermediate level, more experienced researchers will also benefit from attending. The course fee is $750 (before 15 January) and $850 (after 15 January). The course will be limited to 19 participants! It is CRITICAL that we reach our enrollment target by 31 January or the will be cancelled! Registration will be begin on 2 January at this website:

For more details please email:

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