Course: UWashington-online. Statistical-Genetics. Spring2013

The Department of Statistics at the University of will provide an online offering of the course STAT 550 A Statistical I; Discrete Mendelian Traits
Dates: Spring 2013 Quarter, April 1 – June 14

Number of credits: 3
: Professor Elizabeth Thompson (


This course provides an introduction to the models and methods of Statistical Genetics for students with little Genetics background but with some knowledge of Probability and Statistics. The course provides a basis for further study in Statistical Genetics, whether in , Human and Medical Genetics, Population and , or Molecular Genetics.
This class will be given online (audio and slides) in conjunction with the regular on-campus class offering of the class in Spring Quarter 2013. The class will be available to registered University of Washington non-matriculated students (NM):
For information on registering for NM status:


For information on UW course fees for this 3-credit 500-level class:

For qualified students, the Department of Statistics will approve both NM status (if not already obtained) and course entry: contact Elizabeth Thompson ( for more information.
Some information about the 2010 offering of the online version of this course is available


Additional information on the 2012 on-campus offering is

The 2013 class is expected to follow a very similar schedule.

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