Course: Linking Phenotype to Development, June 10-21, Arnold

Course: Linking Phenotype to Development, June 10-21, Arnold

1 February, 2013

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce a new course “Plant Morphology: Linking Phenotype to Development,” June 10-21, 2013, at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University.
With the opportunity to bring and genomic tools to almost any clade of plants, a key challenge will be to link comparative developmental to existing bodies of knowledge; notably the two hundred year legacy of comparative developmental morphology. This integration is critical as the phylogenetic, structural, and breadth of plant taxa open to study expands, and the sophistication of potential questions increases in complexity. This course will provide vital analytical tools central to understanding the developmental bases for structural and functional diversity. Summer courses in organismic at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University bring world-class and a world-class living collection together to enable students from around the world to know the phenotype.
“Plant Morphology: Linking Phenotype to Development,” an intensive two-week laboratory and lecture course for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows will cover the fundamental principles of plant form, focusing on developmental dynamics, evolutionary diversification, and ecological and physiological function. Students will be presented with the conceptual and analytical tools necessary to interpret the vast array of morphologies that exist among plants. Professors Pamela Diggle (University of ) and Peter Endress (University of Zurich) will serve as the instructors. This course is limited to 12 students.
Costs: meals and dormitory lodging will be provided for all participants and each student will receive a travel stipend of up to $500
Additional information and application form available at
Please bring this course to the attention of your students and post docs!!
For additional information contact Pamela Diggle:

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