Course: WoodsHole. Evolution of Aging. Jul21-Aug10

Summer Course at the Lab, Woods Hole, MA on the BIology of Aging
Course Directors: Daniel Promislow and Matt Kaeberlein
Dates: July 21st to August 10th
Topics covered: , , demography and systems biology of aging
Application Deadline: March 11, 2013

The Ellison Medical Foundation sponsors the Molecular Biology of Aging Summer Course to be held July 21 – August 10, 2013 at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. This three-week lecture and laboratory course features the newest and most exciting ideas in aging research. The course is under the new directorship of Matt Kaeberlein and Daniel Promislow. While the focus will be primarily on the molecular biology of aging, both lecture and lab will include essential , statistical demography and systems biology aspects of aging research.
Costs of attending the course, including travel, housing, and meals at the Marine Biology Lab in Woods Hole, are fully covered by The Ellison Medical Foundation. A distinguished faculty will interact with approximately 20 students via lecture, discussion, hands-on experiments, and analysis of data.
2012 Faculty Lecturers
Steve Austad, UTHSCSA and the Barshop Institute

Nir Barzilai, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Holly Brown-Borg, University of North

Anne Brunet, Stanford University

Dan Gottschling, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Lenny Guarente, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Marcia Haigis, Harvard Medical School

Pankaj Kapahi, Buck Institute for Research on Aging

Matt Kaeberlein, University of Washington

Matthew Meselson, Harvard University

Richard Morimoto, Northwestern University

Daniel Promislow, University of

Gary Ruvkun, Harvard Medical School

David Sinclair, Harvard Medical School

Yousin Suh, Albert Einstein College of Medicine


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