Course: Roscoff_France. Marine Genomics. Jun3-14

Summer course on marine genomics at the Marine Biological Station of Roscoff (F)
>From June 3rd – 14th, 2013 the

9th Summer Course on Marine Evolutionary & Genomics will take place at the Station Biologique de Roscoff, Roscoff, .

First announcement

The two week course, which consists of lectures, tutorials and computer based exercises, aims to highlight the crucial role of marine genomics for the understanding of the marine environment and for an efficient use of its resources. The Biological Station is a vibrant research community of 273 scientists and support personnel, and is located in the old town and fishing port of Roscoff, Brittany, France. Advanced PhD students and junior post-docs are encouraged to apply.
The course consists of the following topics.

Phylogeny & tree of life- sequence analyses, phylogenetic techniques (clustering, Bayesian statistics), molecular clock, case studies Population – structure, connectivity and gene flow, assignment, effective size and population dynamics, case studies Genomics – next generation sequencing, database searching, basic skills in data handling and bioinformatics – genome structure, molecular at the functional level – whole genome comparisons, concatenated phylogeny, genome organization, annotating genomic information, co-evolution Environmental genomics – methods for detecting diversity; detecting adaptive variation; NGS: why and how; case studies. Applications in aquaculture, blue biotech, conservation, fisheries, nutrigenomics and the like will be discussed.

Target group

PhD students (at least in their second year) and junior with a solid knowledge in phylogenetics and/or population genetics. Students with an applied background (e.g. aquaculture, blue biotech, fisheries, nutrigenomics) are encouraged to apply.
18 participants will be selected on the following criteria:

1. Relevance of the course for their PhD or post-doc project

2. Background and experience

3. We aim at training people with different research backgrounds; not more than one person per institute will be considered. We implement a gender policy.
The selected persons will be notified by mid April and will have to confirm attendance within 7 days. There is a waiting list in case of non-confirmations and cancellations.


Catherine Boyen, SB-Roscoff, FR

Melody Clark, BAS, UK

Jonas Colln, SB-Roscoff, FR

Simon Creer, U Bangor, UK

Yves Desdevises, UPMC, Banuyls, FR

Jakob Hemmer-Hansen, DTU-Aqua, DK

Frederik Leliaert, U Ghent, BE

Frdric Partensky, SB-Roscoff, FR

Daniel Vaulot, SB-Roscoff, FR

Filip Volckaert, KULeuven, BE

Mathias Wegner, GEOMAR, Kiel and AWI-Sylt, GE
Organizing committee

Jonas Colln, SB-Roscoff, FR

Damien Guiffant, SB-Roscoff, FR

Matthias Obst, Univ. Gothenburg, SW

Jeanine Olsen, Univ Groningen, NL

Filip Volckaert, KU Leuven, BE

For information and application please consult The application deadline is March 28 2013.


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