Workshop: Lake Como Italy Physics of Genome Evolution June27-Jul5-2013

Workshop: Lake Como Italy Physics of Genome Evolution June27-Jul5-2013

5 March, 2013

Registration now open for

Workshop on Statistical Physics / Biology
“Quantitative Laws of Genome
27 June – 5 July 2013
Lake Como School of Advanced Studies in Complex Systems
Villa del Grumello
Como, Italy
Scholarships will be available on a selection basis
Deadline to apply: March 27, 2013

For more information, contact:

Quantitative approaches to , , and ecology unravel several universal regularities connecting genome-scale observables, phenotypes and physiological traits. A current challenge for theoreticians is understanding how different universal features emerging empirically can be accounted for by simple mathematical models exploring quantitative laws at different levels, from physiology to . The scope of this workshop is to give an overview of the current state of this emerging field. The workshop will primarily target PhD students and with a physics or mathematics background, but the school is open to anyone with background in (evolutionary) genomics, (evolutionary) biology, , ecology, interested in quantitative work.

Centro Volta
Lake Como School of Advanced Studies in Complex Systems
iPoLS Network
F1000 Prime

Confirmed Speakers:
Eugene Koonin (NCBS / NIH Bethesda)
Luca Peliti (University of Naples)
Olivier Tenaillon (Inserm, Paris)
Rosalind Allen (University of Edinburgh)
Michele Caselle (University of Turin)
Francesca Ciccarelli (European Institute of , Milan)
Herve Isambert (Institut Curie, Paris)
Joachim Krug (University of Cologne)
Michael Laessig (University of Cologne)
Amos Maritan (Univ Padua)
Sergei Maslov (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Namiko Mitarai (NBI Copenaghen)
Erik van Nimwegen (Biozentrum Basel)
Peter Pfaffelhuber (University of Freiburg)
Uberto Pozzoli (IRCCS Medea)
Dominique Schneider (University of Grenoble)
Agnese Seminara (University of Nice)
Kim Sneppen (University of Copenhagen)
Joshua Weitz (GA Tech)

Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino (, U -Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
Uberto Pozzoli (IRCCS Eugenio Medea)
Luigi Grassi (Univ Roma “La Sapienza”)
Federico Bassetti (Univ Pavia)

Steering Committee:
Joshua Weitz (GA Tech)
Sergei Maslov (BNL Brookhaven)
Dominique Schneider (University of Grenoble)
Rosalind Allen (University of Edinburgh)
Namiko Mitarai (NBI Copenaghen)

University of Insubria Commitee:
Vincenzo Gino Benza, Giulio Casati

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