Course: UWashington Viral Evolutionary Dynamics Jul17-19

Course: UWashington Viral Evolutionary Dynamics Jul17-19

14 April, 2013

A 2.5 day course on Dynamics and Evolution of Viruses will be taught July 17-19, 2013 by Philippe Lemey and Marc Suchard at the University of , Seattle, USA. This course is part of the 5th Summer Institute in and Modeling of Infectious Diseases July 8-24, 2013.

Tuition scholarships and some travel funds are available for graduate students and . Applications for scholarships are due by April 26, 2013. Please see for more information and the list of 13 other courses.
M. Elizabeth Halloran MD MPH DSc

Center Stat. Quant. Infect. Dis. (CSQUID)
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute
Hutchinson Research Center
Department of
University of Washington
1100 Fairview Ave N, M2-C200
Seattle, WA98109-1024

Phone: 206-667-2722
Fax: 206-667-4378

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