Conference: Univ.Groningen- Individual Differences, Nov1-3

Conference: Univ.Groningen- Individual Differences, Nov1-3

26 May, 2013

International on Individual Differences (20th KNDV Congress of Zoology)

1-3 November 2013
Groningen, The Netherlands

This meeting aims to bring together different perspectives on the importance, mechanisms, function and of consistent individual differences at different levels of biological organisation. Jointly organised by the Groningen Centres for Behaviour and Neurosciences ( and and Studies (, under the auspices of the Royal Dutch Zoological Society (

Plenary speakers include:
Stephen Suomi (National Institute of Child Health Human Development,
Bethesda, Maryland)
Renee Duckworth (University of )
Jonathan Seckl (University of Edinburgh)

Distinguished Zoologist Lecture:
Judy Stamps (University of at Davis)

We welcome contributions to the following seven symposia:
. Individuality and
. Individuality and chronobiology
. Individuality and energetics
. Individuality and behaviour
. Individuality and ecology, evolution and biodiversity
. Individuality: applications and implications (welfare, biomedicine and conservation)
. Individuality and aging

In addition, it will be possible to submit contributions to a general symposium. Registration and Abstract submission for oral and poster contributions is now open. Check the conference website:

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