Cornell – SPECIATION CONTINUUM – AGA2013 Jul 20-22

Register by Saturday for Early Bird rates for SPECIATION CONTINUUM: A Discussion on the Origin of Species, the 2013 Symposium of the American Genetic Association. July 20-22 at Cornell University in beautiful Ithaca, NY.

Early bird registration cost is $150 for students/, $200 professional. AGA student awards available! Registration includes all lunches and reception tickets, plus a 1-yr AGA membership. Already a member? You’ll get an additional year at no cost.

All talks are invited (see list below), and there will be a poster session open to all participants. Submit your poster title with registration. The Carl Becker House dormitory is located near the lecture hall and reception/poster location and is an inexpensive and convenient accommodation option. Immediately following the symposium, 23-24 July, will be the workshop, NEXT GENERATION POPULATION GENOMICS FOR NONMODEL TAXA.

For details and registration, please visit the AGA website, and click on the symposium logo. Or check out our Facebook page,

Symposium Speakers:

Key Distinguished Lecturer: Sergey Gavrilets, University of ,
Department of Ecology and Biology
Alex Buerkle, University of Wyoming
Bill Etges, University of Arkansas
Rosemary Gillespie, University of
Rick Harrison, Cornell University
Scott Hodges, University of California
Jim Mallet, Harvard University and University College London
Tami Mendelson, University of
Sean Mullen, Boston University
Mohamed Noor, Duke University
Kevin Oh, Cornell University
Brett Payseur, University of Wisonsin-Madison
Katie Peichel, University of Washington
Trevor Price, The University of Chicago
Howard Rundle, University of Ottawa
Rebecca Safran, University of Colorado
Maria Servedio, University of at Chapel Hill
Laurie Stevison, University of California, San Francisco, Institute for

Sara Via, University of Maryland
John Willis, Duke University
Kerry Shaw, President
American Genetic Association

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