XXIV IUFRO World Congress “Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research” Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: October 5-11, 2014

XXIV IUFRO World Congress “Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research” Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: October 5-11, 2014

3 August, 2013

XXIV IUFRO World Congress
“Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research”
Salt Lake City, , : October 5-11, 2014

http://www.iufro2014.com/ – http://www.iufro.org/events/congresses/2014/


Call for AbstractsAppel à la soumission de résumésLlamado para enviar resúmenes
Description of Congress Themes and Sessions


Dear Colleagues,

The Congress Scientific Committee (CSC) welcomes submission of abstracts for presentations in sub-plenary, technical and poster sessions for the 2014 IUFRO Congress.

Please note that all submissions must be made electronically via the Congress abstract submission system at https://www.xcdsystem.com/iufro2014/abstract/index.cfm?ID=Hb21CPb by 15 October 2013. Abstracts submitted in French or Spanish must be submitted by 15 September in order to allow sufficient time for translation prior to review by session coordinators and the Congress Scientific Committee.

Before submitting your abstract please review the “Call for Abstracts” and “Congress theme and session descriptions” documents, link to documents to be indicated.
We look forward to hearing from you and for your active participation in the design of the scientific program for the 2014 IUFRO Congress in Salt Lake City.


John Parrotta on behalf of the CSC


The IUFRO 2014 Congress Scientific Committee
John Parrotta (: jparrotta@fs.fed.us); Jens Peter Skovsgaard (Division 1: jps@ess.slu.se); Yousry El-Kassaby (Division 2: y.el-kassaby@ubc.ca);   Hans Heinimann (Division 3: hans.heinimann@env.ethz.ch);   Ron McRoberts (Division 4: rmcroberts@fs.fed.us); Andrew Wong (Division 5: ahhwong@frst.unimas.my); Tuija Sievänen (Division 6: tuija.sievanen@metla.fi); Tod Ramsfield (Division 7: Tod.Ramsfield@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca); Robert Jandl (Division 8: robert.jandl@bfw.gv.at); Jim Johnson (Division 9: jim.johnson@oregonstate.edu); Mike Wingfield (Vice-President, Divisions: Mike.Wingfield@up.ac.za); Su See Lee (Vice-President, Task Forces, Special Programmes, Projects and IUFRO-led Initiatives: leess@frim.gov.my); Lisa Hansen (International Students Association: hansen.lisa.c@gmail.com); Richard Guldin (ex-officio; COC Chair)

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