19th to 21st November 2014

The Fourth International on Geotechnique, Construction and , GEOMATE 2014, will be held in Brisbane from 19 to 21 November 2014, in conjunction with the University of Southern Queensland, and GHD, Australia, GEOMATE International Society, AOI-, Useful Plant Spread Society, HOJUN and Glorious International. It aims to provide a great opportunity to share common interests in geo-, construction , environmental issues, water resources, and earthquake and tsunami disasters. The will be dedicated to those affected by the tragic Tohoku-Kanto earthquake which occurred on Friday 11 March 2011, at 14:46 Standard Time, in which the north east of was severely damaged. The three previous events were held in Tsu City, Mie, , Kuala Lumpur, , and Nagoya, Japan, with more than 150 participants at each event. The organisers encourage and welcome your enthusiastic participation and look forward to receiving contributions demonstrating in-depth multi-disciplinary technology towards new research and development

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Sponsored by: University of South Brisbane

This post is not valid after Saturday November 22nd, 2014

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