Newton International Fellowships Scheme

Newton International Fellowships Scheme

Field of Interest: Allergy, Oncology, Cancer, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, , Immunology, Pediatrics, Surgery, Neurosciences, Orthopedics, Nephrology, Neurology, Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonology, Emergency Medicine, Infertility, Infectious Diseases, , Global , Tropical Diseases, Hepatology, Hematology, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Diabetes, , Public Health, Ophthalmology, Microbiology, Radiology, Anesthesia, Stem cells, Informatics, Data, Cell biology.

We have a posting on Trialect soliciting applications for Newton International Fellowships. The Newton International Fellowships Scheme was established in 2008 to select the very best early stage postdoctoral researchers from all over the world and enable them to work at UK research institutions for a period of two years. The Newton International Fellowships programme is available to eligible applicants from any country outside the UK. Overall support can be up to £68,000 including institutional overhead, stipend, etc.  Approximately 40 Newton International Fellowships will be available in this round, with additional Fellowships awarded to individuals from Brazil, China, India, , Mexico and . As the deadline is fast approaching, we are reaching out to see if you would be willing to refer your fellows, students or junior investigators to apply. The details can be perused at :  Newton International Fellowships


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