Margdarshi Fellowship : Hyderabad, India

Margdarshi Fellowship : Hyderabad, India

6 April, 2016

The Wellcome Trust/DBT Alliance invites application for the Margdarshi scheme. The scheme provides a unique opportunity for visionary biomedical scientists to lead and nucleate a cutting edge research program in in collaboration with Indian Host Institution(s). The potential candidates and the Host Institution are encouraged to make a synergistic effort towards establishing a centre of excellence that aims to improve the existing scientific breadth and utilizes the experience of the lead applicant for developing new research platforms. In addition to this, under this programme two eligible Indian institutions may also come together towards creating a new program under the leadership of a visionary .


Interested applicants must

• Have around 10 years of experience as independent investigator, and can be of any age or nationality
• Have Sponsor(s) at not-for-profit Host Institution(s) in India, who is willing to extend the desired commitment and resources for program implementation


The 5 year Fellowship provides

• Generous personal support for the Fellow
• Salary support for personnel, which may include Assistant Professors
• Large quantum of funds for equipment, animals and consumables
• Funds to attend scientific gatherings, for collaborative visits and to organize meetings
• Overheads for the Host Institution


A joint online application is invited from the Applicant and the Sponsor(s). The details of the scheme and the funding mechanism are available on the website at

Application form can be accessed at

Sponsored applications due by 2 May 2016

Send your inquiries to

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