Unemployment fell nationally, but it’s still 10 percent or more in 28 metro areas

Unemployment fell nationally, but it’s still 10 percent or more in 28 metro areas

3 November, 2013

The national unemployment rate dropped a tenth of a percentage point from August to September to 7.2 percent, but nearly 30 metropolitan regions are still suffering from high unemployment.

The elevated unemployment in those areas is a feature of what has been an uneven recovery in many ways. While 28 metro areas had unemployment at or above 10 percent, 41 others had rates below 5 percent in August, according to new government data that came out Monday. The upshot is that most of metropolitan areas tracked by the Bureau of Labor — 311 of the 372 — saw unemployment decline from the year before.

The nation’s 49 most-populous metro areas — those with a population of one million or more — followed a similar trend. Most saw unemployment decline, while only five saw unemployment increase.

was home to the most metro areas with unemployment at or above 10 percent. Nearly half — 13 of 28 — were in that state. was home to four of those areas, while Arizona, New and each hosted two metro areas with unemployment of 10 percent or more. North Carolina, Connecticut, , and Florida each had one metro area with similarly high unemployment rates in August.

Source Article from http://www.mydailycareernews.com/2013/10/unemployment-fell-nationally-but-its.html…. Read full article

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